October 14, 2010

Another History Lesson

 I bet you are jumping for joy....

On Chancellorsville Battle Field near the sight of the accidental shooting of General Jackson.

the western end of the battle field, where the sign is of course, but also almost on either end of this sign were northern and southern troops entrenched.

the Road Jackson was riding on when shot, about 1900.

The road Today, not changed too much has it?

Artillery encasements on the hill east of the line of Jackson.

Map of the Wilderness battle field. May 1864 Lee met Grant and altogether there was an astounding loss of life. Aproxamately 28000 dead. The sadest part was that over 1000 union soldiers were simply left where they fell and were not even burried, at the fredricksburg national cemetary, for an entire year! That's enough to make your stomach turn!
My little fellows. And though they are willing fellows, the fact that there is never a good excuse for war has our eldest convinced he wouldn't have fought in this battle or in this war.
And so I actually have been to Chancellorsville. I have alsways wanted to visit and see these places, but it is sad to think of standing where you can actually see the entrenchments, often both sides across from one another. Knowing that they were fighting and dying here, very violently.
We visited several battle fields yesterday after running errands for Daddy. We got to see Chancellorsville, the battle of the Wilderness (Where Longstreet lost the use of his arm) Field, and Spotsylvania Battle field home of the infamous Bloody angle. What is most disturbing about this is that the Wilderness battle was quickly followed, only days later, with Spotsylvania Court House. If you are into this stuff, check out some of the history behind who our nation was and now why we are who we are. This War was very instrumental in making america of today. It's not shrouded in glory like we would prefer to think, but a sad history like any civil war.

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