March 29, 2012

On Crosses and Slaves

I have often been amazed (though not surprised) by the manner in which the truths of God get subverted. You might think I mean the ways people creatively explain away certain verses that make them uncomfortable or ignore a clear, contextual meaning of a verse in order to say something radically different than the precious truth God originally intended. Though these subversions are rampant, there are some just as sinister and even more calculated rejections of truth. Unfortuantely, they are widely overlooked and accepted by even strong evangelicals. So much so that we need to begin to wake up and recover some important realities that have become numb to us for decades. Let me illustrate what I mean.

March 28, 2012

Why Would God Start His Bible Like That?

Have you ever contemplated the first book God ever wrote? I don't mean the bible as  whole, but which of the many books within  the larger bible came first? Well, I am certain many of you are answering Job. A lot of people who have been in church or around church or Judiaism at all know this simple fact. But have you ever asked yourself Why? Why would God start His story to people with a message Like JOB? I mean really, thats not the way to get converts! Admitting that You allow Satan to punish followers to test their faith?! It seems sadly cruel to start out the message of the God's story with God admitting to allowing the persecution of followers. So why would God do that? Maybe to set the stage for What following God/Christ would really entail?

March 25, 2012

Command Most Often Given??

"I heard recently of a small boy asked to write down in order the worst things that humans could do, and wrote: Number 1 : Murder; Number 2: running down the school corridor. We all get things out of proportion. But this conception of God is in fact a lie. The ressurection of Jesus proves that it's a lie. Do you know what the most frequent command in the Bible turns out to be? What instruction, what order, is given, again and again,

March 23, 2012

Friday Photo Round Up: Chickahominy Bluffs Battlefield--Seven Days Battle--Civil War 1862

What is the most interesting and most strange about this battlefield is it's position now in the midst of the outgrowth of richmond. It sits at the top of the hill along the old Mechanicsville Turnpike road and is just west of the actual Chickahominy river.

March 14, 2012

Goodbye King Self, Hello King Jesus

I am a product of a broken home. My parents divorced when I was ten and afterwards my sisters and I were thrown into a very unreal word of my father's other life. Women and sex, cursing and neglect became realities for us. We saw first hand the person who we knew as Dad  had become something ugly, unloving, obsessed with women and pleasure and totally unrecognizable as the father we had grown up knowing. So when my mother met and got engaged to her high school sweetheart, I was ecstatic! I would have probably moved anywhere, just to forget that my father didn't love me, that women objectified themselves for acceptance and that my life was a total lie. I packed and moved as happily as any person I could have imagined! I was willing to make this new shot at life work and that meant I was able to start over.

March 12, 2012

What I have seen lately in the middle of the night and In the early morning...


but that's not ready enough....

so I need to stand up so I can see properly...

aren't you ready to pick me up now?

I'm ready for you to play with me....

pick me up...stop taking those pictures!
and yes we are using a pack-n-play for our babies sleeping currently..don't judge... We've moved frequently in the last two years and are waiting to get more settled before we buy another large piece of furniture to move.

March 11, 2012

Dem Bone, Dem Bones, Dem Broken Bones...

Angelic, pretending to don't buy the fake out!
Gresham officially broke both bones in his right arm. Here's his story as told to the doctors at the ER. "My brother was a doggy. And the doggy was being bad. So I put the doggy in the box. But then the doggy tried to put his feet out, so I sat on the box. Then the doggy kicked the box and I fell off the box and crckkkktchh. I hurt my arm bad." The nurses response..."Well that was a baaaddd doggy!" and Gresham smiled, like he hadn't been in with the doggy 50/50!

So far Kace has broken both of his bones in his left arm and now he has helped G-man break both bones in his right arm! I think it might be best if Kace isn't allowed around arms....:D!

Reading Update

I have been reading along these last two and a half months which has let me into a new world of books more recently. I have also re-read a few books I enjoyed severla years ago and started some sequels that I think will add to other books I have enjoyed. I LOVE to read and I love to have my mind expand. Right now I am enjoying a walk through "following Jesus" with NT Wright (He's not the boogie man many conservatives make him out to be), a new fantasy "Circle of Magic", a history of stories of the civil war, a tale of the french resistence of the 2nd WW, a variation of mysteries in the "Memiors of Sherlock holmes", the spiritual journey of John Bunyan in "Grace Abounding", and a couple classic fiction including "My Man Jeeves" and "A Tale of Two Cities". So my book shelf is full, how does yours look?

Larissa's bookshelf: read-2012

A Posse of PrincessesThe Woman Who Rides Like a ManAcross the Great BarrierShadow of His Hand: a Story Based on the Life of Holocaust Survivor Anita DittmanA Hearth in CandlewoodMockingjay

More of Larissa's books »

Book recommendations, book reviews, quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists

March 07, 2012

What I needed To Hear Today!

Why do I try to be lukewarm when God wants to light me up like a firecracker?

"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure that was burried in a field and a man finding it, runs home sells everything he has and goes to buy that field!" (larissa paraphrase of Jesus!)

Stop wanting human security, Larissa! Stop fighting the refiners fire!

March 05, 2012

Snow Day Pictures

G-man always has to be the funny face! Love these silly kiddos!

Before we went outside they were getting a bit annoyed at me making them smile again and again!

March 03, 2012

How Old Will I be When......

"Momma, how old will I be when Petra is 10?".....Kace.

 "13" ....momma, thinking wow!

"How old will Libi be when Petra is 10?" .....Kace.


"How old will you be when petra is 10?" ....Kace.

"37" .....momma, thinking this is getting ugly!

"How old will daddy be when petra is 10?" .....Kace.

"40." .....momma, yup its real ugly now!

"Haha, daddy will be real old!" ....Kace.

"Shut it, kace!" ....Daddy. Everyone is laughing now!