August 31, 2010

Don't you Wish You Could Hear This?

Daddy is bald like an eagle, huh? Like a bald eagle. -Silly Boy #1

While showering. "Kace put your forehead under the water."
"Huh?" Turns in a circle without a clue where his forehead is.
"Kace put your brain under the water."
"Oh, Okay," Turns immediately toward the water with his head tilted up.
Me, laughing hysterically. :)

"I'm gonna run away."
"What?!" I am good at freaking out, by the way.
"Not outside," I hope you can visualize the face which accompanied this statement, it's very similar to this one pictured. "I'm gonna run away to my room."
"Oh, Okay," much more calmly. "Go ahead."

Generally this little tomboy/princess just bosses people. Her two favorite words right now are "Mine" and "No". We were hoping she would be a great speaker, but she is the quietest of the bunch so far, only saying the words most needed to accomplish her purposes. Who would have thought a big mouth like me would end up with a girl who actually limits her speech?!

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