April 03, 2011

My "BIG" Girl and Me

Some days I wonder how a little girl could be any sweeter and more of an encouragement to my heart! I Love her so deeply, especially when I understand why she does the things she does. She will spend a long time trying to wipe herself clean. Make me read the same books over and over to her and then insist on reading it back to me. Care for her babies daily in a very motherly way.  Loves ponies and religiously sleeps with her babies and her "my little pony" from her Auntie Jess. She is simply a HUGE reminder that the Lord is so very gracious to me! We have our spats and honestly she is hard to discipline because she is a toughy, but somehow this little female and I get along in a way I could never have imagined before having a girl! I constantly tell Will "these boys are yours you know, you can never deny them since they are so much like you!" yet I would never have understood the similarties within the gender roles until now. I hope that we are able to sustain this relationship through the years and see it grow and blossom in new and deeper ways, all that lead us more toward the cross. Maybe someday she will remind me more of me (which honestly she does not!) and less of my husband, but honestly he's my favorite person and so I am cool with having our daughter be more like him!

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