June 09, 2012

You know you Have five crazies when...

...there are random crayon marks on almost every surface of your home.

...your kids have even colored the inside of your van.

....Finding out who is telling the truth can sometimes look like a full blown criminal interogation.

....your laundry pile is talled than you are, especially if you have had a sickness blow through.

.....The thought of taking all your children grocery shopping starts a panic attack! :D

...You wonder why people ask you if you know how babies happen.

...You have been asked if you are mormon.

...You have been asked if you are catholic.

....You have been asked if you run a day care service.

....You have seriously told interested spectators that you found some of the kids in the store parking lot and thought it would be nice to bring them inside and keep them forever, just because they are cute!

.....You think children are a blessing.

...You can't even imagine your life without all the busy!

.....You fantasize about your life without all the busy!

.....You get super excited if you hear about anyone having a baby!

....The sound "MOOOMM!!" fill your world with unholy fear.

.....A loud bang doesn't disturb your cool too aweful bad, unless you hear a scream!

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