November 19, 2008

Is God Sovereign No Matter the Choice?

Will and I have been seeing the liberty in our life in Christ more this last year then ever before. We have begun to see how we are free in many areas of our Christian life to simply do what we feel led to do and not what is more “righteous” in our own eyes. Many things have been affected by this new conviction in our lives. Things that we formerly though of as issues of personal holiness (deal breakers per se) we are now reevaluating in light of how Christ has truly redeemed and freed us from bondage to this carnal world. Where we at one time believed that a certain specific perspective was the only godly way, we have learned that all things are acceptable but not all things are profitable. One of these issues where we feel convicted of person freedom within the bounds of our relationship with Christ is our children’s education.

In the past we have both thought that the only possible way to raise our children to understand the spiritual and eternal implications of true redemption by grace was to educate them at home. We believed that the only effective way to shepherd and train our children for the sake of righteousness was to home school. Our thoughts on this have been challenged not only by our own life and His providential role, but also by the reality of grace and the freedom we enjoy because of our redemption. We began to question our stance on this issue.

Will and I began asking each other questions like “Will our children only be Christians because we home school?” Or “Would it be best for our family to try public school and see how our children fare?” and many other questions that essentially are taking the temperatures of our hearts. We began to wonder if our stance was because of our own desires to perform the role of Savior for our children or was home schooling truly what the Lord was leading our family to. We still have not got an answer to this question, but a few things we have realized through this process are....

First—one single method of schooling is not the *best*—What I mean by this is, whatever you feel led to do by the spirit, by all means do it (see note at the end). No children will be freaks because they are home schooled. Likewise children placed in a public school aren’t doomed to the bleakness of hell because they were left abandoned in a state run facility. We have much freedom within the bounds of the Gospel because truly all things are a work of grace; our redemption, sanctification and our glorification so isn’t this true in the lives of our children no matter their education? We aren’t told in scripture “Thou shall not school at home!” We are instead told that we need to trust in the work of Him who saved us. He will lead and we are to follow Him alone.

Second—Every family is different—For one family God’s leading may mean public school, for another home school, and yet another Christian school, and even others may have a mix of these three. We know that because He has changed us He will work all things to good; I am confident that no matter what form of school we opt for the Lord will still be on His throne. Every family is different and God has a different plan and ideal for every group of individuals. We cannot and must not compare ourselves amongst ourselves. We MUST do what we feel the Lord prodding in each familial group. No matter the option we choose, God is still sovereign and He is sufficient to sustain us through the trials and the blessings, as He always has.

Third--Be careful in claiming absolutes not founded in scripture--Convictions and preferences are okay, there is nothing wrong with saying you will never do something(i.e. I will never eat meat), but you err when you go beyond the words of God when you make a preference to be an absolute or a scriptural mandate when it isn't. On many issues we do well when we share what has worked for our families and when we advise in what edifies. We overstep when we say there are absolutes in areas that are not mentioned in Scripture or we misuse scripture in an attempt to prove our individual convictions. Be careful whenever you are tempted to utilize only abstract Old Testament scriptures without considering the freedom we have in Christ. We do not want to engage in nomism any more then we want to embrace legalism. (This one point is very specifically applicable to me).

Fourth—God is, always has been, and always will be Sovereign!—this has truly been the most freeing thought because truly nothing in my life depends on my works any longer. God has providentially ordained my life in number of days how can He NOT handle my child’s education? God knows my heart, my children’s hearts and my husband’ heart and He knows what will best reveal Himself not only good, but Holy, just, righteous and glorious! How amazing that He will use my life and the lives of my family to reveal this amazing truth to others and I am excited to see how the way my children learn is a way I get to see my God work more. I want to know Him deeper.

So suffice to say this issue is one of fervent prayer and concern in our home at present, as I hope it continues to be in every home with school age children. How is God using our children's education to bring glory to Himself through us and our testimony of our faith? And isn’t it all about Him—For of Him and to Him and through Him are all things—To Him be all glory and honor and praise?! At least we think so!!

Note: Please understand I am speaking only of issues that are not specifically spoken of in Scripture, the Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament. I am not speaking of issues that are clearly spoken of by God. So if God condemns stealing and yet you feel the urge to shop lift and you think “Well Larissa said do what you feel led to do.” Uh, No I didn’t! I simply mean in areas of Christian liberty and personal conviction (i.e. birth control, diet, fitness, etc.). Please do not think any of these things make you more righteous or reveal your devotion to God more. Truly these are areas of freedom because our Righteousness is not based on us; it is mercifully based on His working our redemption through His life, death and resurrection. These are areas of personal conviction and spiritual leading, every person is different and God is working His plan though their lives differently, most essentially we must not engage in comparisons. “Shelley home schools and her Kids are angles so I MUST home school”—you know that doesn’t edify.

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