September 20, 2012

The Mission of Jesus?

"Suffering was not just a consequence of the Master's obedience and mission. It was the central strategy of his mission. It was the ground of his accomplishment. Jesus calls us to join him on the Calvary road, to take up our cross, and to hate our lives in this world, and fall into the ground like a seed and die, that others might live. We are not above our master. To be sure, our suffering does not atone for anyone's sins, but it is a deeper way of doing missions that we often realize." --John Piper

I hope that after reading this you are more than willing to visit this site:

and download this "book" and read it in 30 minutes and be encouraged to HATE your life on this earth, but love Him for eternity!

You can also visit this site on your kindle like I did and down load the mobi version on your kindle and be reading it super conveinently in a minute! Its pretty cool!

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