October 31, 2011

Crazy Kids!

Are these babies, beautiful or what?! They are to me anyway! Plus they make me smile! I have been thinking for a few weeks that I would really like to do something to remind myself daily how much of an encouragement my five arrows are! One thing I say often to Will is how consitently these little people remind me of His love. Often security doesn't do it (as there is no security apart from the gospel), our curcumstances WILL NOT do it (believe you me!), our feelings CANNOT do it (especially if you are a woman--like me and basically have a hard time-most days-figuring your own emotions out!), but one thing that always consistently reminds me about His love and goodness (apart from the word and my husband and the spirit) are these five nuts! And yes even when they are crazy and looking like train wrecks, when I haven't slept or the house looks like a bomb exploded, they are disobedient and they aren't what I envisioned children to be; they are ALWAYS a blessing and I have a premonition that even if they choose to defy the Lord and live their lives away from the Savior, they will be (even while making us very burdened for their eternity and their life) such a HUGE blessing to us! I don't think my kids can do anything that will make me look at them, and who He has made me by using them, and say anything less than "there is a BLESSING! PROOF of His lovingkindness!" So it has me thinking Tattoos. Something that will daily remind me that He is Great, and Wise and Good, and They are proof daily of that reality! Because, let's face it, I am a very weak vessel, who struggles to remember how great He is in the midst of trials and struggles and burdens of a fallen world! I don't think it is wrong to do a thing to remind yourself how Good something (or in this case Someone!) is. I need the reminding! I truly do! So here's to trying (probably not in the near future, but sometime) to get a tattoo, which I have no idea where to put and I am afraid to get and I don't know what it will look like! But I def think it will happen....right after I get a Kindle fire! :D

1 comment:

Miranda said...

Totally agree that there's sweetness in reminders. I have always thought a foot tattoo or something in cursive along the foot looks beautiful and is a quiet reminder....let me know if you go for it! :)