August 04, 2009

Get In The Middle Of This "Mess."

After completing a sermon series on Philippians earlier this summer I decided to spend the rest of June, July, and August preaching on some of God's attributes. This week's sermon is entitled "God is Relational". Despite many biblical texts that beautifully solidify the reality of this precious attribute, I have been somewhat surprised by the relative lack of literature on this character trait. However, there is a book on God's relationality and its implications for our existence as relational beings that is nothing short of phenonmenal. There are no doubt other good books on this topic but this one in particular is a must-read! I wanted to mention it on the blog simply because it is a book you should purchase, read, and then share with your friends. In fact, I was going to write a lengthy review on the book but then decided you would be better served to read it instead of my review. So here is a link to the book (just click on the link, immediately purchase the book, read it, and then drop me a comment when you finish.) Enjoy!!

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