March 07, 2016

February reading review

This year I'm trying a new plan. I'm picking a genre to focus on for the entire month. The month of February was dedicated to mystery fiction. I loved it!! So much fun! I finished only 3 books this month and was finishing a fourth when march began. 

1) and then there were none...agatha Christie

2) the extraordinary adventures of Arsene Lupin, gentleman theif.....Maurice Leblanc 

3) the mysterious affair at styles (poirot #1).....agatha Christie 

4) Clouds of Witness.....Dorothy Sayers (the one I was finishing as the month ended) 

Because I didn't finish ALL the books I had planned in February I'm going to continue with mystery this month. I have several ones I want to finish and to be honest I'm having fun reading mystery. Though I loved poirot and lupine better than none! They def rate with Sherlock for certain!!

March mystery month! Hope you're reading is going well! 

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