May 18, 2012

Friday Photo Round Up: Antietam Battlefield

The boys picked their own hats, I pushed for all union, unfortunately I lost that battle!

This church was built by pacifists, after the battle the land in front of here was littered with bodies.

Neat sculpture, on the union side of the road.

the corn field where 12000 men were killed, so very sad.

way to the sunken road.

me in the sunken road.

Silas on the bunrdide bridge over the antietam creek.

End of the battle location, at the anteitam creek.

Silas on the bridge!

he wanted to salute!

its funny that harper's ferry is only like 15 miles from Antietam battlefield!
They are so close, it make the history come into focus!
Go check out the real pictures from the war here at wikipedia! It's neat that We were there!!

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