January 19, 2012

I am a Lucky Lady

One of the reasons I am thankful for old saved emails from my husband. One of the reasons why I love holding his hand so much even after nine years. One of the reasons I still look at him and see as pretty spectacular person! One of the reasons I know I totally lucked out when God was giving girls spouses! I am so thankful I cannot really give the right words..... So here's a little piece of our private lives...I hope our Kiddos enjoy readin this one day....


hey sweet girl,
i know that i am not exactly an expert counselor or woman-understander-person but i am able to tell my best friend that i love her. so i just wanted to say that i love you. even in your worst moments i still don't want any body but you. so just know no matter how sinful, hormonal, moody, or womanly you get i will still be right there beside you, i may look at you funny but i will always be by your side :) just wanted you to know.

much love,


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