Our Beliefs

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What We Believe 
 the following is a short doctrinal stement and a few questions and answers that pertain to our beliefs. And questions can be addressed to crazydougfam@yahoo.com

Loving God is rooted in calling righteous what He calls righteous and calling what He calls rebellion sin. Of course, simply proclaiming these truths is only part of faithfully loving God. As James clearly shows we must also, by the grace and empowerment of God, live righteous lives and do good works, not because they save but because they are proof of obedience because of Love.

Father—We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible. He is the author of not only the creative plan but also the redemptive plan which aims to restore order to His world. We were created for him, redeemed because of Him, to serve and glorify Him.

Son— And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father [the only-begotten; that is, of the essence of the Father, God of God], Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; By whom all things were made [both in heaven and on earth]; Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down and was incarnate and was made man; He suffered, and the third day he rose again, ascended into heaven; from thence he shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

What does Christ’s atonement accomplish?
For believers, an absolute demolition of the enmity between them and God. A transference of our sin to Christ and His righteousness to us. I am absolutely sure that the Bible is clear only believers eternally profit from Christ’s atonement, yet I am somewhat unsure that Christ’s atonement did nothing for all people. I don’t know what precisely Christ did for all (I believe this is a mystery in scripture), just that it was something not nothing.
Do you believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin?
Yes, you have no God-man without a virgin birth.

Spirit— And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, who was spoken of by the prophets. Jesus speaks of Him as helper.

Trinity— Although God is one and singular he also exists in community. 3 persons inseparable in make up, but distinct in their outworking.

Salvation— This occurs when a person not only believes that Christ is who he says he is and confesses this truth before all men, but the same man follow in a pattern of obedience, not perfect, but still constant.

How does the Bible relate the sovereignty of God to salvation?
Every aspect of our coming to know God is a work of God. (John 6:44)

Scripture— The Word of God in the 66 books of the bible is inerrant and incapable of error, but it is also equally authoritative and calls us not only to know and be known by a Triune God, but also to be obedient and follow Him.

What is your position on the inerrancy of Scripture?
The Old and New Testaments in their original autographs are completely a work of God, without error and incapable of being erroneous.
What is the proper use of the Old Testament law?
It is to teach us that we are sinners in need of a Savior, and to remind us to be humble before our great God after conversion.
What is your interpretation of the biblical teaching on Hell?
I believe in a literal hell.
Do you believe that the events described in Genesis 1-11 are factual or symbolic?

Man— though created at the pinnacle of God’s creative work on the sixth day, Man sinned in the garden and fell from their position in the created order to a depraved and base place. God knew that because of our now lowly and broken status before Him that we dead in sin and unable to live the way he created us to without His personal intervention and redemptive work. So he became like the first Adam (Romans 5) and fulfilled all the things we were meant to be creatively and died a death of a criminal to cover our lawlessness. Now those who follow and believe in Him can live the life they were created to in Him alone. But it also bears mentioning that we are all more depraved than we ever dared think and need his redemptive work daily, if not hourly.

What is true biblical repentance?
Repentance consists of rightly seeing your sin, rightly confessing your sin, rightly seeking forgiveness (not just saying sorry) from God and others, and turning from that sin by the empowerment of the Spirit, to a life of righteousness.
What is true biblical faith?
It is being known by Him and knowing Him. Such vital faith translates into some very real vital signs and will never cease to be found in the life of a genuine Christ-follower.
What does the Bible teach about the extent of man’s depravity?
We were dead in our trespasses and sins in which we once walked (Eph 2). We are dead at the bottom of the pool and God must not only drag us up but also breathe new life into us (borrowing R. C. Sproul’s analogy). In short, man is completely and totally depraved. I think we are all more sinful and broken than we ever dared think.

Is a legal term used in biblical/theological language to denote a change of position, namely the change from being in a sinful and condemned state to a righteous and blemish-free state. This work of bringing people from death to life is accomplished by Christ, His work on the Cross, and his ressurection.

Explain justification by faith.
The bible is clear that our justification is based not on any action that we have, but solely grounded on the work of Christ; his righteous/sinless life and his work of redemption on the cross. The whole work of salvation, justification, sanctification, and glorification is founded in Christ’s justification. Christ is all!

Please explain your view of sanctification. What are the various means God uses to sanctify the believer?
Sanctification is a work of grace the same as justification and glorification. The Lord works out our sanctification in the same manner. He has imputed his righteous nature to us and it is through His righteous life living in us that we are able to run to the end and able to live a holy life. God uses all manner of things to sanctify. We are sanctified when God brings us under pressure through trials and tribulations and refines the gold and burns away the chaff. Suffering is a huge part of the work of sanctification in the life of the believer. (see article on "suffering" we have compiled or phil 1:27-29, or col 1:24 and following.

What are your views on baptism by water?
Baptism by immersion in water is the only biblical mode of baptism. Baptism in itself is an outward display of an inward work (one of two) and, therefore, serves not a means of salvation but as a response to salvation.

the church is Christ body and also his bride. He is building her and preparing to wed her in the future glorification/tribulation of all things. But currently she is the vehicle through which his mission is going forth for redemption of peoples.

How should a pastor and his church relate to other churches locally and (if denominational) to the larger body? Do you feel comfortable cooperating with other denominations? Do you draw any lines?
A pastor must always remember that whatever church he serves is only a small part of a larger fellowship of believers. I would absolutely work with other churches in my denomination without question and any church outside the Evangelical Church, as long as they affirm the essential doctrines of the faith.
What emphasis do you give to the leadership of fathers with their families, especially in terms of family worship? Do you personally engage in family worship with your wife and children?
I put a very high emphasis on fathers loving their wives as Christ loves the church and recognizing that their children are their greatest ministry and they are called to disciple those children. I consider family worship to be very important. But family worship, although essential, is only a part of a father and mother discipling their children and being present in engaging their children daily, addressing sin, carrying out discipline, and approbation. During family worship we have a prayer time with our children, read a portion of scripture (currently Acts), memorize new scripture and/or go over previous memorized scripture, and answer questions. Our children are still very small and as they grow I hope to add more depth and to our family devotions.
What is your missionary vision for the church? How are you currently demonstrating missionary interest and involvement?
I believe that a church should be locally and globally minded. Without doubt a church must plant churches all the well aiding other churches to do the same. I have every intention of helping to cast a vision to be a church that plants churches as well as planning an overseas mission trip for whatever church the Lord takes me to. Larissa and I have several friends serving as missionaries overseas who are looking for groups to come. This would not be my only focus, however. Whatever community that I enter as a pastor will be a focus of my efforts to share the Savior that I love. Ever follower of Christ should be dedicated to making disciples as this is the mission God gave us all.

How do you articulate your present view of end-time or eschatological issues?
I am Post Tribulational, Pre-Millennial -- but ultimately I, as they say, am a pan-millennialist (I am pretty sure it‘s gonna all pan out in the end!). Let me say, too, that I would never break fellowship with a brother or sister in Christ who disagreed with me on this issue.