June 28, 2012

Reading List Update

Larissa's bookshelf: read-2012

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June 25, 2012

Run A What?

Let me show you something from the book of Hebrews that was pointed out to me in passing by a friend and mentor. His statement was short and to the point but not developed. I wanted to see if his suggestion held up upon a closer examination. So I went digging in the gold mine that is the word of God and uncovered a beautiful nugget of truth.

June 09, 2012

You know you Have five crazies when...

...there are random crayon marks on almost every surface of your home.

...your kids have even colored the inside of your van.

....Finding out who is telling the truth can sometimes look like a full blown criminal interogation.

....your laundry pile is talled than you are, especially if you have had a sickness blow through.

.....The thought of taking all your children grocery shopping starts a panic attack! :D

...You wonder why people ask you if you know how babies happen.

...You have been asked if you are mormon.

...You have been asked if you are catholic.

....You have been asked if you run a day care service.

June 07, 2012

Did you know??

"You know that rats can only drink in little sips, right?".....Gresham.
'No, I didn't know that." ....Momma.
"And that they can't talk?" ......Gresham.

June 06, 2012

The Gospel Crier

Here is a wonderful website that Just launched this week!

The Gospel Crier

It is sponsered by our former Church whom we still love so, so dearly and miss greatly! These people are seeking to be a glorifying light in the midst of a hard won place in the midwest! Knowing the apathy they face on a daily basis they are following in obedience in many ways that are hard because of their local! I hope you will often visit this site and enjoy the information and the godly teaching that is found there!! Share their site with anyone whome you may think will benefit!!!

June 04, 2012

While My Husband was Reading My Favorite book....

He came across this stellar passage....

Suffering has to be endured in order that it may pass away. Either the world must bear the whole burden and collapse beneath it, or it must fall on Christ to be overcome in him. He therefore suffers vicariously for the world. His is the only suffering which has redemptive efficacy. But the Church knows that the world is still seeking for someone to bear its sufferings, as so as it follows Christ, suffering becomes the church's lot too and bearing it, it is borne up by Christ. As it follows him beneath the cross, the church stands before God as the representative of the world.

June 03, 2012

Say What??

"So I didn't want to say anything to Kace, because he tagged in our car, but the picture he drew were really good! It was like this circle design and it popped!" .......Daddy.

June 01, 2012

Photo Round Up: Silas Is Six

Two years ago my biggest man was turning six years old! Can't believe it's true, but it is! We are now nearly 8 and ready for everything and anything!