September 27, 2011

New Goals In Reading

It wouldn't be the beginning of the school year if I was starting on a new reading list that is what I want to read this year. Obviously this isn't all I will read, I tend to read about 5 books at a time and though it is tempting to track that, I am not going to even attempt it. So these are the planned ones, but who knows what might interupt me?! I usually tend to make about 1/3 of my list and change up my list a ton! But this year I have a theme....Mostly Christian themed classic fiction and also christian classic inspired (like pilgrims progress). So here's the new goal, we shall see in a year how I do!

Larissa's bookshelf: new-reading-goals

The IlliadRacso and the Rats of NIMHThe Fairy's MistakeAn Old-Fashioned GirlThe Whipping BoyThe Enchanted Castle

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