February 17, 2010

I Am A Bad Person....Are You?

One truth about the gospel I hold especially dear is the doctrine that I am a bad person (aka, Total Depravity). Without my wickedness I would have never had the need of a savior, and I DO have a GREAT need for the Savior! Christ DIED on the cross because I am a bad person, with all the capablities to sin as any other robber, adulter, drunk, murderer, and distainer of God that ever lived! I hope you too understand the implications made by Jesus Himself about the reason He came to die and save you from yourself. If you are a good person then Jesus didn't die for you, because You don't need it. He himself said that He came for the sick, not the well*. I admit I am a filthy sinner who had such a great need of His righteouness that I was lost without a hope, dead at the bottom of the pond as RC Sproul Says! Without conviction of sin we are not under the grace of Christ!

*By this I mean your admission of innocence flys in the face of the gospel, when you say you are good you say in essence that you Don't need the cross. I do not believe that you do not need the Cross, but beware of saying you are good for you will one day stand before the Creator with that argument and He sent Jesus because He disagreed, vehemently I might add!

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