I know people often wonder why we have so many kids, although rarely do we get that exact question posed to us. It is usually like this "Are they all yours?" or "Are You Catholic?" or "Are You Mormon?" or "You guys trying to be the next duggars?"--those are the ones that make me laugh! But the answer really isn't as simple as that. we don't believe in never using birth control. We don't believe that spirit children are waiting in heaven to be born into the world, we don't believe in the defeat of islam and we don't run a daycare! haha, the thought of me in a daycare is pretty funny!
About 10 years ago we began to believe that we were able to block God's work in our lives so we quickly became pregnant without first child. But it wasn't long after he was born that we began to doubt the idea that we were able to block the Ruler of the universe in any way! Saying that our use of any form of birth control was able to stop the Lord and His work was sheer idiocy, was our Savior so small and powerless? But two things began to prey upon our minds apart from the Mighty nature of our God. First the idea that we would never treat any other form of medicine the way we viewed birth control and it seemed very foolish to think that God could not be in charge even of medicine when we benefit from it. But we also began to feel that valuing life was one thing, but we were also parents, we wanted our children to know we loved them, not that we just loved having babies. We Have a responsiblity to parent our children in a way that honors Him and we didn't think that clinging to "God is sovereign over birth" would be the main message we wanted our children to learn.
We value life, all life. We know we haven't proven that fact in our lives perfectly, but we really desire to value creation for the creator most. But most of all we want to live for Him alone and having our children has been his main way of teaching us both what living a life for Him alone has meant.
So, no we don't condemn people who use birth control, we don't believe in cultic issues and we don't believe that life begins with the unification of an ovum and a sperm. What we do believe is that Life is created for a reason and every life that has come into our family has brought with them many blessings, some tough times, lessons aplently, and boundless love. So the reason we have so many kids....God looked on two horrendous sinners and knew they would face some real struggles in their walk along the narrow road, he knew they would need a constant reminder of how sweet and good He is and so He sent to them five very precious and remarkable gifts for them to borrow. So that they might remember, even in the hardest times, how He is working all things together for Good! How He is making them into the image of His son. They recieved each gift with fear, because they knew how precious they would love those gifts and how deeply their hearts would be connected to those gifts. They continue to view their borrowed gifts with a certain level of fear and awe at the grace shown to them. And daily they remember His goodness in the face of great struggle because they see the beauty of the Father in the creation of these precious lives.
We have five crazies because He is awesome and He loves us very much....
"Even when we are faithless, He is faithful, He cannot deny Himself" 2 tim 2:13.
Silly as it sounds, these five nuts help me every day to rely on Him and endure til the end. One day, as He knows, I will stand before Him and he will say "well done good and faithful servant" and I will know it was only because He was so sweet and in large part because He made me a momma. He knows His business and I have stopped trying to do it for Him.
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