August 01, 2007

The Fun of Aviation

Our adventures began on a plane. Now all the boys have been flying before, but it is always different since this time we have never flown with all three at once! You can imagine us two directing the exhibition! It was hard work, which I doubt we will repeat anytime soon as we ended up being called to our connecting flight and holding everyone up because of an accident in the diaper area! It wasn't so fun to have my husband rushing up to me saying "we're late, didn't you hear them paging us?" I was not aware of our lateness and was greatly embarrassed when we boarded and everyone but us were seated, then a lady commented that she wondered how many children we had and I said, "Oh, only three." She responded "Only THREE!"

We came about all right and found that, when our returning flight was delayed we were bumped from our connecting flight and held over until 6:00am the next morning, that flight can be a test of our godly character the same as trials and persecution are. My patience, self-control, love, and steadfastness were all sorely tested and I regret to admit more than one was thrown to the wind to be repented of in quiet later.

But all in all we got some pretty funny pictures, I hope you all think they are as amusing as we do! Here goes.....

Hi Daddy! You still there?

He slept through the landing, pulling up to the gate and everyone else's exit!

This was hysterical, he was totally sprawled

Crazy! Crazy for flying in airplanes! (Just kidding, but I especially was ready to be home in Missouri!)
I hope this first installment is to all of your satisfaction and enjoyment, especially the embarrassing picture of yours truly! You can never say I shrink from transparency!
Many Blessings!

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